
  • 2024-2025 President

    Shannon Kennedy-Newby

  • 2024-2025 Vice President

    Amber Taylor

We are an organization of women whose mission is to foster interest in the social, economic, educational, cultural and civic conditions of the community and to make efficient their volunteer service. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

How Do I Join?

Admission to our league is by recommendation from 1 sponsoring active or sustaining member who knows the candidate and can attest to her commitment to volunteerism and community service. Successful completion of one provisional year results in admission to active status. Completion of five years of active service merits sustainer status.

Membership Criteria

Candidates must be at least 24 years of age as of January 1st of the year of proposal to membership, a legal resident of or employed in Floyd County for at least 6 months prior to January 1st of the year of proposal and a responsible and dependable person who possesses the potential and time to develop into an effective Junior Service League member.

Provisional Year Requirements

  • Attend two cultural events (any concert or play in Rome, including First Fridays, River Jam, etc)
  • Attend one city or county commission meeting
  • Attend one JSL Board Meeting 
  • Trolley Tour of Rome / Chieftain's Museum Tour
  • Participate in League 4 Learning work days
  • Attend Provisional Meeting and General Meetings once a month
  • Complete one JSL Service Project
  • Pay Dues
  • Provisionals will also be required to sell Poinsettias and work a shift for pickup, as well as participate in the planning and execution of the Follies or Garden Tour events (Provisionals are not required to have service hours for external placements)

Applications are accepted through February for the upcoming league year (September - May)

  • Application Packet

    Candidate Online Form

    Sponsor's Online Form

    (To be filled out by sponsor at the request of candidate)

  • Provisional Packets are submitted through Google Forms and you should get a response back to confirm your application has been received.

    We always enjoy the opportunity to discuss our group and its mission with interested persons.  Please contact us if you are interested in serving our community by becoming a part of our league or if you know of a way that we can be of further service in our community.

  • 2024-2025 Board

    Board positions are open to all active members and are selected each spring for the upcoming league year.

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