Join us for JSL OF ROME'S FOLLIES! Returning February 2025

The money raised from this event will go directly back out into our community through our Community Partnership Program, which supports a variety of nonprofit organizations that
serve women and children in need in our area. After a successful 2023 Follies show, we raised almost $50,000 to give out to our community partners and local schools! We were able to fulfill many community and school grants that were submitted! The following groups and schools received funds:
Alto Park Elementary, Garden Lakes Elementary, Pepperell Elementary, Pepperell Middle, Pepperell High, East Central Elementary, West Central Elementary, Rome Middle, Rome City Schools College & Career Academy, Habitat for Humanity, Hospitality House, Ferst Readers, Inc., Newborns in Need, YMCA, Family Resource Center, Davies Homeless Shelters, Sara Hightower Regional Library,
Global Girls, Inc.
In addition to these grants, JSL also provides approximately 3,400 students with school supplies each year and supports the Chieftains Museum. We are not able to do this work without the generous support of businesses and individuals in our community.